Where are the Women in Global Health Leadership?
Dr. Nandini Oomman gave a riveting keynote speech at the Triangle Global Health Consortium on September 28 in Raleigh. She opened with a photo of the current European health ministers, highlighting only 9 out of 27 are women. She then flipped to a picture of only men sitting around a table deciding the fate of US health care, provocatively labeled “American Health Care: A Handmaid’s Tale in the Making?” Following that, a photo of an all-male meeting at the World Bank and WHO, which had been tweeted as an example of the exciting brainstorming sessions about the future of global health by leaders in global health. When asked where the women were, organizers said they had all left the room before that photo was taken. Dr. Oomann raised her eyebrows and said dryly that it seemed unlikely. What are the numbers of women in global health leadership? Dr. Oomann presented some stark statistics. Among the main UN agencies, professional organization, global...