Article by Diya Ginjupalli
In May of 2019, the White House released the first U.S. Global Health Security Strategy. This document outlined the United States Government’s approach to preventing and responding to infectious diseases both domestically and globally. In November of 2019, the White House released the annual report “Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda: Results and Impacts of U.S. Government Investments,” which illustrated their continued efforts towards global health. The report specified the current strategies used by the United States Government to ensure global health security. The United States is currently partnering with 32 countries and has pledged over one billion dollars in funding for these countries. The focus for the upcoming year falls in eleven “Global Health Security Action Packages”: antimicrobial resistance, zoonotic diseases, biosafety & biosecurity, immunization, national laboratory system, real-time surveillance, reporting, workforce development, emergency operations centers, linking public health with law enforcement & multisectoral rapid response, and medical countermeasures & personnel development. These action packages span three priority areas: prevent, detect, and respond. The goal of these action packages are to “prevent avoidable outbreaks,” “detect threats early,” and “respond rapidly and effectively.” In addition to the current approach to ensuring global health security, this report also outlined the various disease outbreaks and health emergencies globally in 2018. Lastly, this report stated the results and initiatives from the Global Health Security Agenda 2024 (GHSA 2024) conference in 2018, including expanding partnerships to add multilateral organizations and nongovernmental organizations as full members.