When you hear the words "reproductive health," what do you think of?
Some may think of pregnancy, others the prevention of pregnancy. Maybe you think about the risk of HPV and cervical cancer, or the choice to decide your reproductive future. These are among the most important facets of reproductive health for both men and women. However reproductive health has much broader implications, and achieving optimal reproductive health can be challenging in many parts of the world. Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) is fundamentally linked to the enjoyment of other human rights.
The ability to attain all aspects of reproductive health disproportionately affects women and adolescents in developing countries. 99% of maternal deaths and over 85% of cervical cancer deaths occur in developing countries. Additionally, 214 million women in developing countries have an unmet need for contraception, and millions of adolescent women undergo unsafe abortions each year. These are just examples of stark indicators of preventable tragedies that impact women’s lives around the world.

While our researchers, students, and staff have been working on issues related to reproductive health for many years, we are starting an initiative to highlight this work and encourage deeper conversation and increased collaborations throughout Duke and the Triangle area. The launch of this website marks an important step for DGHI in highlighting the importance of reproductive health research and collaboration.
We hope you will visit often to join the conversation, come to events, and utilize the resources found here. We look forward to advancing reproductive health outcomes globally and locally through the efforts of our faculty, students, trainees and partners.