On November 16th, the International Conference on Family Planning in Thailand, the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN Special Research Programme HRP, and the FP2030 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that committed to strengthen cooperation on sexual and reproductive health and rights, with a special emphasis on family planning.


In signing this document, all three organizations pledged to continue to work together to provide high-level leadership that assists countries in realizing their family planning commitments. A WHO representative, Dr. Pascale Allotey said that ““270 million women around the world have an unmet need for contraception, jeopardizing their health, their well-being and their futures. Our MoU calls attention to the urgency of the situation and commits to accelerated action on this most fundamental issue of sexual and reproductive health and rights.”’


Further, WHO issued eight commitments that intend to expand access to modern contraceptives to FP2030, a international partnership of globally-focused organizations working on family planning. These commitments which endeavor to make family planning information and services more accessible are fundamental to the sustainable development and human rights of all. It is relatively common for governments, civil society organizations, and philanthropists to make commitments to FP2030 to pledge action to expand access to voluntary, rights-based contraception across the world.


For more information, please visit WHO to learn more.


WHO and FP2030 to strengthen cooperation for sexual and reproductive health and rights. (2022, November 16). Department News. https://www.who.int/news/item/16-11-2022-who-and-fp2030-to-strengthen-cooperation-for-sexual-and-reproductive-health-and-rights

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