Jeniffer Ambaka and Breandan Beller Makhulo are key members of our team in Kenya. These two coordinators play leading roles in keeping our project operations running smoothly: communicating with community partners and health facility staff, staying on top of enrollment records and regulatory documentation and organizing the efforts of our team among many other responsibilities. These team members are passionate, dedicated, and a joy to work alongside. Keep reading to get to know Jeniffer and Breandan a little better!
Jeniffer Ambaka – Coordinator and Clinical Officer
Question: What inspires you to pursue your area of work?
Answer: I have a passion for serving women and children. With the knowledge and skills I have I always ensure women are screened regularly and those with early signs [of disease]. Pre-cancer is managed so that they don’t progress to advanced cancer. It is my responsibility to empower women with knowledge and ensure they get the right services they require without any problems.
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your work?
A: Women are able to get early screening and those with lesions are able to get pre-cancer treatment and not advance to cancer.
Q: Are there any hobbies or activities that you enjoy outside of work?
A: I love traveling, reading and dancing.
Q: Do you have a favorite quote or mantra that inspires you or helps to guide you in your personal life?
A: Every new day is another opportunity to excel. Whatever you do, do it like there is no tomorrow.
Breandan Beller Makhulo – Coordinator and Office Administrator
Q: What are you most looking forward to with your upcoming research?
A: I am looking forward to the implementation of the mSaada study because it is a study I will be coordinating. The fact that I have been involved with it right from the start, taking charge of all the IRB submissions and approvals needed, introducing it to the county and sub-county teams and the stakeholders involved, is something whose results I am really proud of and consider an achievement and a great lesson learnt in as far as my career is concerned.
Q: Do you have a favorite quote or mantra that inspires you or helps to guide you in your personal life?
A: I will get there when I get there. I always believe that in life there are no shortcuts. Everything happens the way it’s meant to be and when it’s supposed to happen. There is a time for everything. So, however how long it takes me to achieve something or be where I want to be, I tell myself, I will get there when I get there.